Annual Cost of Corrosion Worldwide (trillion)
Amount of steel with protective zinc coating
At US $2.2 trillion, the annual cost of corrosion worldwide is over 3% of the world’s GDP. This figure reflects only the direct cost of corrosion – essentially materials, equipment, and services involved with repair, maintenance, and replacement. It does not include the environmental damage, waste of resources, lost production, or personal injury caused by corrosion. With proper corrosion protection, much of this damage is avoidable.
No method of corrosion protection is more effective than coating steel with zinc.
Zinc coatings protect steel by providing a physical barrier as well as cathodic protection for the underlying steel.
The World Corrosion Organization estimates that approximately $400 billion can be saved by applying currently available corrosion control technologies like zinc coatings.
Zinc is so important in this role of protecting steel from corrosion that the coating market represents nearly 60% of total zinc consumption each year.
For more information on the performance and types of zinc coatings, or to visit our microsites on thermal spray or galvanized rebar, follow the links below.