October 27-29, 2021
Changzhou, Jiangsu

Shangri-La Hotel

In-person event and possibility to join virtually!

The 6th International Hot Dip Galvanizing Symposium and Exhibition will be held in Changzhou, Jiangsu Province, China from October 27 to 29, 2021. It will feature the latest advances in process technology, environmental protection, sustainability including carbon neutrality and market trends.  The symposium will be complemented by an exhibition of international equipment suppliers, galvanizing plant visits and networking opportunities.

This conference will bring together major Chinese and international hot-dip galvanizers, steel manufacturers, equipment suppliers, zinc and alloy producers, researchers, environmental engineers, key decision makers, and others with a strong interest in galvanizing.

Speakers will include leading experts from the Chinese and international zinc and galvanizing industries, public and private institutions.

Simultaneous interpretation Chinese English will be provided throughout the event.

This symposium will be an excellent forum for learning, exchanging knowledge and meeting existing and new business partners.

International delegates who cannot travel to China due to concerns related to Covid-19 will have the opportunity of joining the conference online. Sessions will be made available on demand.

To register please complete the attached form and send to Tony Tong at izachina@163.com

Early registration fees until September 20th:
IZA-members: $ 400
Non-members: $ 500

Regular fees as of September 21st:
IZA-members: $ 500
Non-members: $ 600

Above rates apply to in-person attendance and include access to sessions, meals, documentation, exhibition and galvanizing plant tour on October 29.

The fees for virtual attendance will be 50% of the fees applicable for the physical 3-day attendance in Changzhou. 

Preliminary Program

October 27
10:00 am – 8:00 pm

Registration desk open

Exhibition open
The exhibition includes promotional seminars

7:30 pm - 9:30  pm Cocktail reception including drinks and BBQ
October 28
8:00 am – 5:00 pm Exhibition open
9:20 am - 12:00 pm Lectures including mid-morning break
12:20 pm – 2:00 pm Lunch
2:00 pm – 5:00 pm Lectures including mid-afternoon break
6:20 pm – 8:30 pm Awards ceremony and banquet dinner
October 29
8:00 am – 12:00 pm Exhibition open
9:20 am - 12:00 pm Lectures including mid-morning break
12:00 pm - 1:30 pm Lunch
1:30  pm – 5:30 pm Plant visits including the three new galvanizing lines of Liangjiang High Tech and the two sheet galvanizing lines of Dalishen Science & Technology Group
6:30  pm – 8:00 pm Buffet dinner
October 30
All day Optional plant visits
We will visit the facilities of other co-organizers

Tony Tong
Mobile: 18930937507
Email: izachina@163.com
Address:  Distrii Kangding Center: Room 266 2/F
No. 1018 Kangding Road Jing ’An District , Shanghai,
China ,  Postal Code: 200042



United States

1000 Park Forty Plaza, Suite 130
Durham, NC 27713, U.S.A.
P: +1 919 361 4647
E: contact@zinc.org


Avenue de Tervueren 168
Brussels, 1150, BELGIUM
P: +32 2 776 0070
E: contact@zinc.org


G-1 & G-5 Ground Floor
Plot No.9, Allied Bhawan
Madangir, New Delhi, 110062, INDIA
P: +91 99 1029 9297
E: rsharma@zinc.org


Distrii Kangding Center
Room 703, Yinqiao Building, 58 Jinxin Road, Pudong District
Shanghai, China 201206
P: +86 (21) 22876655
E: ahuang@zinc.org